
The Sphere of Harmony Foundation is involved in many local and international projects.

The main programs of the recent years are:

– operating The Social Cultural Institution: The Hashtag Lab Contemporary Music Centre 

– representing the Hashtag Ensemble new music cooperative

– organizing the WarszeMuzik festival

– organizing the #GrajFair educational action.

With its long-term programs, the Foundation manifests the values that lie at the heart of its work. On one hand, it is being “here and now”, involving contemporary music, new media, and dialogue with contemporary art in all of its fields, supporting the activities of Hashtag Ensemble. On the other hand, the Foundation is rooted in a certain place, and relates to the shape of the city of Warsaw, its architecture, history, and legacy. A special expression of the latter is the WarszeMuzik festival dedicated to the musical heritage of the pre-war Jewish Warsaw.